Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy


At AInnovate, we are committed to maintaining the trust and confidence of our users. In this Privacy Policy, we want to be clear about the types of data we collect, how we use it, and the measures we take to ensure your data is handled appropriately.

Data We Collect

AInnovate firmly believes in the principle of data minimization and privacy by design. As such, we only store data that our users explicitly provide to us through the use of our products. We do not collect any personal data automatically or without your direct action.

User-Provided Data

The only data we store is the information that you actively provide when using our products. This may include, but is not limited to:

  • Text, images, or other content you input into our applications.
  • Settings or preferences you set within our software.

No Sensitive Data Collection

We do not collect any sensitive data categories, such as health, political opinions, religious beliefs, or biometric data.

How We Use Your Data

The data you provide is used solely for the purpose of delivering the functionality of our products. Here are the ways we might use your data:

  • To store your preferences and settings for future use.
  • To maintain the functionality and user-friendly nature of our products.
  • To provide customer support and respond to inquiries.

No Third-Party Sharing

We do not share your data with any third parties, nor do we sell user data for advertising or marketing purposes. Your data remains within the confines of AInnovate’s secure environment.

Data Security

AInnovate prioritizes the security of your data. We employ industry-standard practices to protect your information from unauthorized access, disclosure, use, alteration, or destruction.

Changes to This Policy

We may update this policy from time to time in response to changing legal, technical, or business developments. When we update our Privacy Policy, we will take appropriate measures to inform you, consistent with the significance of the changes we make.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or our treatment of your data, please contact us at [email protected].