Refund Policy

Refund Policy


At AInnovate, we take pride in the quality and reliability of our products. Our refund policy is designed to be transparent and fair to both our customers and our business.

Non-Refundable Policy

All products and services purchased from AInnovate are generally non-refundable. We encourage our customers to thoroughly review the product details and requirements before making a purchase.

Exceptions for Defective Products

Despite our best efforts, if you encounter a defect in any of our products that significantly impairs its functionality, we are here to help. Under the following conditions, we may consider a refund:

Valid Proof of Defect

  • The request for a refund must be accompanied by valid proof of the defect. This includes a detailed description of the issue and, where applicable, screenshots, logs, or error messages.
  • The defect must be confirmed as a fault of the product and not due to misuse, modifications, or external factors.

Time Frame for Reporting

  • Any issues must be reported within a specified time frame from the date of purchase (e.g., 30 days). We encourage customers to promptly check the product upon receipt.

Investigation and Resolution

  • Upon receiving a refund request with valid proof of defect, AInnovate will investigate the issue. We reserve the right to attempt to resolve the defect before issuing a refund.
  • The resolution process might include patching the product, offering a replacement, or providing additional support to rectify the issue.

How to Request a Refund

To request a refund, please contact us at [email protected] with your purchase details and a comprehensive description of the issue. Please include any evidence that supports your claim.

Final Decision

The final decision on refund requests rests solely with AInnovate. We aim to handle all requests fairly and reasonably.

Contact Us

For any questions regarding our Refund Policy or to discuss a particular issue, please contact us at [email protected].